Why Electra wheels?

Advantages of Electra bikes

Flat Foot Technology® is a bicycle frame invented and patented by Electra Bicycle Company (USA), where the traditional riding position is rotated 23 degrees so that the body is more upright and the cranking is slightly forward. This way, the neck and shoulder muscles are not strained, the hands do not press on the handlebars and there is less stress on the knees. In the upright position, the soles of your feet reach down – so you can stop the bike comfortably without getting off the saddle. This is an important convenience if you have to stop frequently in the city, for example to give way or wait for the green light at traffic lights.

Electra urban bikes can also be used by people who have had to give up cycling because of back, hip or knee problems.

Miks Electra jalgrattad?

🚲 Pedaalide väntamisel väiksem pinge põlvedes

🚲 Pingevaba õlalihaste, käte ja randmete asend

🚲 Püstine isteasend, hea vaade ümbritsevale

🚲 Sadulas olles ulatuvad jalatallad maha

🚲 Stiilne välimus ja nauditav sõiduelamus

rattakorv taaskasutatud plastikust Electra Plasket Basket valge jalgrattal naine

Flat Foot Technology

Often imitated

When Electra revolutionised the geometry of the bicycle frame years ago, some people were sceptical. It was even derided and some looked the other way. Others thought it was just a passing fad, but no one is laughing now. In fact, you can discount that last part, because there are a lot of people laughing now, but the reason is that it is impossible to stay grumpy when you are on an Electra bike. Many have tried to imitate this bike frame, but none have come close to the original.

Upright driving position

I’m sure your mother has told you: “Don’t sit in the doorway!” and “Straighten your back!” Flat Foot Technology allows you to sit up straight in the saddle of your bike, providing a comfortable and relaxed riding position without hunching over the handlebars like you would on a traditional bicycle.

Relaxed position and good view of the surroundings

Tundub chill? But it really is. The saddle post and saddle position leaves your arms comfortably relaxed and your back, neck and wrists under much less pressure. What’s more, your posture is such that you can see your surroundings much better. Look, squirrel!

Possibility to always support your feet on the ground

Whenever You want. You don’t have to stand on the hump and tilt the bike. We’ve probably all experienced this when stopping the bike. Not only does it look funny, it can sometimes be a little dangerous and scary. Flat Foot Technology gives you the opportunity to achieve balance by resting your feet firmly on the ground. It does this at any moment and gives you the confidence that you are in full control of your bike.

When you crank the pedals, your legs extend properly

Even though the saddle position is lower, you can still crank comfortably without your knees getting hooked, thanks to Flat Foot Technology’s unique geometry of the bike frame. This trick is made possible by some mechanical engineering, as evidenced by the Flat Foot Technology patent. To get a better understanding of this you just have to come for a test ride.
Pedaalide väntamisel sirutuvad Su jalad korralikult välja

The proof is in the pedal cranking

Many years ago, Electra challenged the traditional geometry of the bicycle frame to create a completely different riding experience. Risky? Definitely! But ordinary things never tell a good story. Placing the pedals forward and changing the angle of the seat post opened up the possibility for a new kind of comfortable riding position. Two patents and a million great rides later, it’s a pleasure to say that the risk paid off. Take the first step: come by and try Electra bikes. Feel the specialness of Electra bikes!
electra elektrirattaga sõitmine

See Electra bikes models